Python Full Stack Training in Annanagar
Enhance your skills with Python Full Stack training in Anna Nagar. Master front-end and back-end development with hands-on projects and expert guidance at Code From Basics. Ideal for aspiring developers seeking in-depth Python Full Stack courses in Anna Nagar to advance their tech careers.
- Introduction to Python programming language
- Data types, variables, and operators
- Control flow and loops
- Functions and functional programming
- Exception handling
- File handling
- Object-oriented programming concepts (classes, inheritance, polymorphism)
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Structure, semantics, and elements of HTML5
- Styling with CSS3, including Flexbox and Grid layouts
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- Basics of JavaScript programming
- DOM manipulation
- Asynchronous programming with Promises and async/await
- Fetch API and AJAX
- Frontend Framework (Choose one)
- js
- Setting up a React application
- Components, props, state management
- Routing with React Router
- Hooks and Context API
- js
- Vue instance, components, and directives
- Single File Components (SFCs)
- Routing with Vue Router
- Vuex for state management
- js
- Web Frameworks (Choose one)
- Django
- Django architecture and MVC pattern
- ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
- Forms, templates, and class-based views
- Authentication and authorization
- Django REST Framework for building APIs
- Flask
- Lightweight and flexible micro-framework
- Routing, templates, and Jinja2 templating engine
- Working with request and response objects
- SQLAlchemy for database interaction
- RESTful APIs with Flask-RESTful or Flask-RestPlus
- Database
- SQL (Optional)
- Relational databases (e.g., SQLite, PostgreSQL)
- Basics of MongoDB or other NoSQL databases
- Integrating NoSQL databases with Python frameworks
- SQL (Optional)
- Django
- Git and GitHub
- Collaborative development workflows (branches, pull requests, code reviews)
- Docker basics for containerization
- Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
- Deployment to cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku)